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13 Prayer?


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Is it really worth it?

Different combat levels i would be with following prayer levels:


[ CMB-EST ]: Level 78.425 [Melee] ASDHRPMU: 60 99 2 99 99 13 99 1

[ CMB-EST ]: Next level in: Att/str: 2 (2) Def/Hp: 3 (3) Pray: 5 (5) Summoning: 5 (0)


[ CMB-EST ]: Level 82.425 [Melee] ASDHRPMU: 60 99 2 99 99 44 99 1

Next level in: Att/str: 2 (2) Def/Hp: 3 (3) Pray: 6 (6) Summoning: 5 (0)


[ CMB-EST ]: Level 83.425 [Melee] ASDHRPMU: 60 99 2 99 99 52 99 1

[ CMB-EST ]: Next level in: Att/str: 2 (2) Def/Hp: 3 (3) Pray: 6 (6) Summoning: 5 (0)

Theres loads of good reasons for prayer.

I can get fire cape.

I can hybrid better.

Ill be more usefull in wars etc.

I can use prayers to boost hits etc.


Higher combat means harder opponents, but when you can pk does it really matter?

I could chin to 99 range if i got 44 prayer aswell.

Help please as this is either make or break.


If you want to solo, stay 13 prayer. it's obviously better since you get 10% higher str and attack, while saving urself 4 combat levels.

If you want to hybrid/war alot then get 44/52

most pures at 78 have 82 hp 99 str and 44 prayer. i believe your 10% would hit the same, or only 1 lower then their 15% prayer boost (assuming they have no fire cape, most pures that level don't pk in fire cape). but you're going to have 17 hp levels on them, brew that and it's 115.


imo 13 prayer or 52 is the best anything inbetween is pointless but its down to you get 13 prayer everything else if you dont like get 52 doesnt make a diff to stats or anything except you gotta do a few more quests maybe

- if your 13 its alot harder to train fastest ways are sw as you cant bandit/chin/rock lobs


Get 15 prayer for Dt/Accumalator then leave it for maximum ownage.


do it, in the long run its going to help ainmt it, it wont hurt... lol :D


I can no longer be friends with you. :(

Sorry mate.


13 if you only like to edge pk. higher if you like multi pking, drag pking, clan pking, mini-wars, easier training, higher hits, fire cape, and my favorite: smite. and so much more.


it all depends if u do more 1v1 pk in edge or multi/drags etc. I would say stick to 13 pray.

those 4 combats aint worth it imo.


13 pray is ownage. but if you wanna get into hybrdding and all that 44 can be great to :P

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