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Discepolo123 Bh Vid 12- Maxed Pure/Hybrid -


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meh i rushed the editing/clips like always but im really happy with this video. I think its entertaining and i hope you do as well.

Please enjoy it, and subscribe to me =p

**note, this isnt a movie and therefore their is no stupid un-needed effects, i let my pking speak for itself.


Thought you were MM O:

But nice chill vid :) u should save up more very good clips and leave out some of the bad for next, so maybe its a bit shorter and will be really awesome to watch.


seen you at drags nice guy and very nice dds specs 9/10 only advice is dont use straight sharks like you did in some clips


Very nice, i enjoyed every part of it :)


Finally your out of MM - The Worst Pure Clan ! ;)

Nice vid, loved the songs


Finally your out of MM - The Worst Pure Clan ! ;)

Nice vid, loved the songs

Thank god he moved to a mains clan.


Awful music.

Decent clips, they were ok.

Great intro.

Decent video, just thought i'd tell ya, 92 mage isn't maxed.

Edit - I think you should use a few more weapons in your next video, and some different styles, like just ranging. Also, make some money for AGS, and high hits with that is more attractive considering your not 60 attack.

Adam | LayDown

thats my boy :P


seen you at drags nice guy and very nice dds specs 9/10 only advice is dont use straight sharks like you did in some clips

hes oldschool pker


Finally your out of MM - The Worst Pure Clan ! ;)

Nice vid, loved the songs

Thank god he moved to a mains clan.

How about fuck you?

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