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Clan friend.

xB A S E Dx

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xB A S E Dx

What's up guys, I've had my eyes set on FOE for a long time now..


I've been playing since early 2003. I was apart of "FO" a long long time ago on an account that was banned for it's name. (Funny because I can't even remember the name probably close to 10 years later)


I've recently started playing OSRS again, after taking a break for a few months to settle down in my own house with the girlfriend, get bills right etc.


As of right now I do not have the stats to join the clan. 


60-79-1-67-43-82 and of course 71 hitpoints.

I'm also only 68 combat right now.


I look forward to training my stats to do option A, and getting back into the groove of playing with people and better yet side by side pking with people, learning new spots, callouts etc.


So pretty much what I'm getting at is I would like to be a clan friend for the time being until I get my stats up enough to join you guys, I love to be active on forums etc.


Also since just coming back, around 5 months ago pures were mostly training at NMZ, is that still the case?

I am also curious about low level clans nothing that is really official or anything. Just to get back into the groove of things.







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i was also in fo on a name I cant remember xd, hiya

The only way ppl remember is if they still use that account today. Lol same way I forgot.

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Its zeh noob

Original FO, don't remember name? Who did you know in FOE besides Bonesaw Ace and Lighthouse? 

Inspector Gadget is on the case!

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xB A S E Dx

oh wow cool!! i was a jmod back in 2003 but cant remember my jmod name :/

Cool man


Original FO, don't remember name? Who did you know in FOE besides Bonesaw Ace and Lighthouse? 

If I don't remember my own name how am I suppose to remember others names. The only thing that can really cross my mind is somebody by the name of "Outlaw" maybe some more or less characters to that name, but that was for sure somebody I can remember.


Others thanks for the welcomes. & Also for the people doubting any interaction with "FO" I never stated I was any type of high ranking member in "FO" just another guy who pked a couple times and then later moved on. Tgg was also another clan back then as well that I remember.

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