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Do people still have to be in PvP worlds to stay logged in? If not, how do people stay logged in in a normal world splashing on a rat? Because I can only think of being in clan wars splashing on another player! 


Please explain


im not sure, when i tried i only splashed 400 spells then logged.


in normal world you get fked be randoms (thats why you crash after a few splashes), pvp worlds you get pked in a few mins.

just splash in clanwars, I think there is a world for splashing in cw to


if you splash in pvp world and ur afk, and someone tries to use a bond on u they can interrupt and kill you so i dont advise it


in normal world you get fked be randoms (thats why you crash after a few splashes), pvp worlds you get pked in a few mins.

just splash in clanwars, I think there is a world for splashing in cw to


Bank slots help you

what do you mean by bank slots?


Splashing takes too long so it sucks.


in normal world you get fked be randoms (thats why you crash after a few splashes), pvp worlds you get pked in a few mins.

just splash in clanwars, I think there is a world for splashing in cw to


in normal world you get fked be randoms (thats why you crash after a few splashes), pvp worlds you get pked in a few mins.

just splash in clanwars, I think there is a world for splashing in cw to


Splashing takes too long so it sucks.

is legit 0% effort experience at the end of the day.


Never tried it but why not just stick to cw?


draynor manor downstairs on the spiders


idk mang haven't splashed in months/years


draynor manor downstairs on the spiders

lies :p


Splashing takes too long so it sucks.

is legit 0% effort experience at the end of the day.


Doing my finals now so I can't play anyways, I don't want to waste my P2P membership and do nothing haha. And I don't have enough money yet to alch or anything else 



Never tried it but why not just stick to cw?





Splashing takes too long so it sucks.

is legit 0% effort experience at the end of the day.


Doing my finals now so I can't play anyways, I don't want to waste my P2P membership and do nothing haha. And I don't have enough money yet to alch or anything else 


yeah but like you gotta sleep sometime.

if you buy a smoke battlestaff you dont need to buy fire and air runes and you can sell it when your done. and all you have to do is buy mind runes which are like 4gp ea. its actually very cheap.


World 329 - Clan Wars probably.


Never tried it but why not just stick to cw?


I end up using 8k cats per 6 hours using this very rarely get any problems :)


autoclick m8! sorted


if you splash in pvp world and ur afk, and someone tries to use a bond on u they can interrupt and kill you so i dont advise it

probaly negated whit accept aid [OFF]


Auto clicker op

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