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Veiny Chodes PK Vid 1


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It was kinda boring cause of no effect's really but nice high hit's and combo's i would be lookin out for vid 2 just have someone edit it for you like me or stop being lazy and spend some time editting it


Got you as a target two times now and you logged out as not to fight lol.

Parts of video i didnt like:

Sometimes you wore phoenix's during the full fight. I think it shows lacking skill when a pker brings 3 phoenix's and wears them as their primary ammy. just put it on if ur getting spec'd out.

You used summoning to make ur targets right click, made me lol. just fight people ur level... with summon or without?

Parts i liked:

some of your timing was good.


Got you as a target two times now and you logged out as not to fight lol.

Parts of video i didnt like:

Sometimes you wore phoenix's during the full fight. I think it shows lacking skill when a pker brings 3 phoenix's and wears them as their primary ammy. just put it on if ur getting spec'd out.

You used summoning to make ur targets right click, made me lol. just fight people ur level... with summon or without?

Parts i liked:

some of your timing was good.


despite that though wasnt to bad of a vid a few nice combos but needed some hybriud clips 8/10


Hawt stuff man need some me and you multi action in der :o

Gd vid none theless.


I watched the first 2 minutes and there were.. 0 item targ killings.. K0'ing sum1 with like a 15 with vls, a clip where you both die.. and to top it off, shit music. I closed sorry mate.


nice vid 3/10 soz didint liked the music. to much dieeeee or sumething like screaming.


improve on your next, you know wha to do ^^


It was ok but needs better music and better editing


Was a good first vid, just needs some work and better clips at some points

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