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How Should I Vamp Up My Pure?

Gold Prodigy

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Okay, I'm going condense my long sappy story to several sentences. :sleep:

I've been a fan of foe for a *really* long time, ever since Sesshownmaru/Zetsutai first joined and told me about you guys.  :wub: I've quit Runescape several times and yet always habitually read Foe's forums.  Over 3 years ago, a friend and I created indentical pures with the intention of joining foe together (O's and 0's were still identical).  As we were closing in on the required stats, our accounts got frozen and we never bothered to appeal because we gotten several accidental defense levels, and I quit Runescape for well over a year.  My current account Gold Prodigy was also just short of foe requirements when the old wild was taken away, so I foolishly got defense and quit Runescape for nearly another year. I'm now in my junior year of high school and am really preoccupied with academics and sports, and things are only going to get more busy.  However I really wanna be a part of foe's return to #1 before it becomes time to quit Runescape for good.   :mellow:

Anyways, I unfroze my original pure "Brute Ownage" and want to know what stats I should shoot for to quickly become foe.  At the same time, I don't want some half assed pure that would be worthy only of those mm noobs  :lol:

Current Stats:

61 Attack

77 Strength

82 Mage

73 Range

52 Prayer

73 HP

6   Defense

As always, any input is greatly appreciated.

EDIT: In particular, what should I do about my attack and defense?


I'd say go for 90 range and 80ish str first. Magic is good for now since you won't need to barrage much on trips.


Your gonna need higher range or strength to make up for your 61 attack and 6 defense.


I'd say go for 90 range and 80ish str first. Magic is good for now since you won't need to barrage much on trips.

I really like range, its the only 99 I've ever gotten, but my problem with it is that I see all these videos where all the maxed pures only use their strength.  I would hate to have to train range to 90 only to stop using it once I get better strength.  Is training range still worth it?

get 90 str 90 range 94 mage and keep ur defence and attack lvl, unless u have money to get a gs get 99 str 75 att just keep ur def as low as u can


get 90 str 90 range 94 mage and keep ur defence and attack lvl, unless u have money to get a gs get 99 str 75 att just keep ur def as low as u can

Does BGS count?  It would take me a long time to get enough AGS because I would have to merch my for a couple of months. Is AGS even worth it?

just copy my stats i do pretty well in f2p


ur going to need 90+ range and 80+ str wif 61 atk and that 6 def just look ugly. :sleep:


If your doing it solely for foe get 20 def


If you want to join Foe as quickly as possible, try to go for the Three-Way Hybrid option and get 82 strength and 82 range, and app for Associate. Make sure that before you app, you have all of the supplies you need, as well as the pk pics and referrals, and you will be accepted much quicker. Then when you are Fa, you can relax a little bit and just work on Full Foe requirements, and that way you'll be able to choose whatever stat you want to get up.

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