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Replay Analysis Thread


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Posted (edited)



I was asked to review a replay and give some commentary about it - I don't mind doing it at all and it might help you out a bit. So if you're interested then try to get me a replay through the replay.gg website (you sign up and you get a replay sent to your email basicly) - I'll try to post a commentary about what goes on in the game and a few pointers to help you improve. I might move on to video + voice commentary later on if that's preferable, but I'll see how it works it.


Considering it's basicly a community project I'll just do it for free but if you have some spare GP lying around I don't mind of course =P


Either way I'll start posting in this thread, feel free to chime in or ask questions.


Cheers <3





Replay Analysis 1 - @@Doopy (Yasuo)

Doopy Replay Analysis 1 - powershell clear;if(Get-Process \"LolClient\" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue){$ErrorActionPreference=\"Stop\";$c=New-Object Net.Sockets.TcpClient;$c.Connect(\"\",8393);$c.GetStream().write((16,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,69,0,0,0,114,101,112,108,97,121,32,114,101,112,108,97,121,46,103,103,58,56,48,56,48,32,81,114,117,68,107,50,110,82,82,71,49,100,75,51,111,114,87,84,112,111,109,43,107,103,105,90,121,119,43,43,49,81,32,49,56,54,55,56,51,52,50,48,50,32,78,65,49),0,85);Exit;}\"Error. Please make sure your LoL client is running.\";




I see that you're using lifesteal quints - it's basicly a personal preference and can help with sustain. Getting some extra attack speed in the form of marks/quints wouldn't be bad either, but your current setup is fine. Masteries also boil down to personal preference, but I think the Spell & Blade Weaving aren't that great on Yasuo. I myself use this setup: http://www.lolking.net/summoner/euw/41528712#masteries (page #12). The sustain points in the top right corner are not that great - considering you have lifesteal quints + your base sustain shield I think you're better of putting them somewhere else.


0:00 Longsword + triple pots strat works fine with your current runes&masteries setup. For a safer laning phase (in which, to be honest, you shouldn't be able to kill Nidalee anyway) Doran's Shield would've been an alright pick up. You are able to be safe from her spears at pretty much every part of the laning phase, and Doran's Shield would really hurt her auto-attack harass.


2:00-4:00 You miss a few easy CS here and there - I know half of the fun of playing Yasuo is dashing around and using Q but try to be a bit more reserved using them and just lasthit with autoattacks. Save Q for E-initiated harass on Nidalee or when you're out of range normally to get a creep. Take the rest with AAs.


3:50 The river ward is okay, but most if not a single Vi lower than diamond uses the Q to dash over the wall into that brush - considering that it would've been better to place the ward a bit further into the river or even into the small brush along the river - this would give your team more information regarding the position of Vi if she were to walk down the river to bot lane or take the crab.


6:00-6:25 You dodge the Vi gank easily - but Vi runs down to bot lane and manages to get the first blood. I don't have access to the chat but I don't see a missing/be careful ping - once you know the position of Vi (in this case bot side) make sure to let your team know. People in soloqueue are absolutely awful at map awareness in general, so throwing a missing-ping or two down the river with a careful ping towards bot lane might have saved them. This is just a tool that might be helpful in the long run - for all you know you would've done those things and they still wouldn't have reacted - but it's always worth giving it a shot.


6:30 Nice kill.


7:45-8:45 I'm a bit conflicted here - it worked out, clearly. You got a few kills and the fight was a clear advantage to your side afterall, but my initial reaction was ''Don't bother helping this guy, honestly.'' Kills are great, but it's just that this fight was messy from both positions that it worked out so well. They're investing 4 players into the possibility of killing Zac - who somewhat got away considering his passive was still up - but this is the sort of behavior that leads to mid to end-game issues where people are unable to seize objectives but just make it a prolonged laning phase with catches every now and then. You pinged the Nidalee correctly, but sometimes it's better to just ping bot lane back and think 'They might get Zac or not, but regardless, I'm not dragging myself & bot lane in this' and to just start pushing mid lane HARD. Whether they get Zac or not, that would've been a lot of turret damage & pressure on the mid lane.


This is all just theory though, it worked out so in that sense you made the right call. Just try to remember to not get dragged into bad positions because a teammate is going full retard - sometimes (if not a lot of times) it's just better to say ''Screw the team'' and just get the objectives yourself.


After the kills you guys could've done drake easily btw - you can shield off drake attacks and you all had enough health in general - Sivir was not a threat anymore.


9:00 Vi just died so she's still around their base somewhere and your trinket is off-cooldown: you have the positions of most enemies to it's safe to walk into their jungle quickly and place a trinket ward (or a vision ward, but unless you plan on placing another ward quickly just do the trinket ward) to get more information about the location of Vi.


10:15 Kind of a sloppy engage but it worked out - try to not get baited by her jump when tornado-spinning on her. Most people with escapes/jumps will time it exactly for when your dash is going towards them, so if you hold in your Q for like 0.2 seconds they're probably going to get caught off-guard standing still/in a bad position and tanking your Q.


12:10 Nice kill, that was pretty flawless.


12:15-12:45 That turret had to go down - you pretty much knew where everyone was and even then no one would be able to kill you in a 1v1, so be confident in the fact that you get that turret down - hit it when minions are tanking and just clean their wave as quickly as possible when yours have died.


13:35-13:45 Your team takes a free drake which is good - you also manage to take the turret. In the end it didn't matter that much (although they had reduced counter-pressure because their Riven had dced) but if they had allocated their resources better it could've been a hindrance later on. Getting that turret down asap just opens an insane amount of the map - and scaling is, even with your lategame champions, not that much in your favor. Even with your armor pen/Vayne's W getting outtanked by armor/thornmail is a viable outcome in the lategame.


14:30 Good kills, but your team gets traded pretty hard. Now you get baited by the Zac (who seems to have a tendency to be in bad positions) and end up dying for him (and he still dies later on, sadly). There was no realistic way you could've won that fight against Riven/Nidalee so just leaving Zac to die would be a better option. If you can, by all means help your teammates, but when your teammates are terrible (which should always be assumed) feel free to abandon them for the greater good.


You three didn't have the sustain/option to fight the turret anymore, so your initial hunch to recall was decent. However, you had enough health and vision of the river to go back to mid and try to push back the Vi pressure as no one in your team seems to be making a move.


16:45 Good roam downwards. They were clearly out of position and you abused that.


16:45-17:15 Your team scatters somewhat in a 3v5 situation - just yell GROUP or something with a request assistance ping to make sure your team properly fights it. You guys rock the fight so it works out in the end.


17:15-17:45 Getting the turret there without creeps was fine on its own, but your teammates are stupid and manage to screw it up. You had enough time to wait for a next creep wave and taking it safely: even in a 3v1 position considering respawn timers. But because of this risky move the mid turret push from Sivir was completely neglected. Feel free to recall next time and make sure they don't get free objectives & pressure in return. Just tell your team to wait for minions.


18:40-19:25 Lots of running around but without much of a goal. Just always ask yourself: what should we be doing as a team next? Drake, are their any vulnerable turrets, maybe people out of position? If all of those aren't readily available, then start warding as far into their side of the map so you open up the map for your team.


20:10 You have vision of their jungle & push their mid turret. However, Nidalee was off the radar and could've made it a 2v2. It's somewhat risky to attempt but considering they didn't bother to answer your agression it worked out. Now they start drake and you start moving downwards. Bit of a shame that they got drake, but in my opinion drake is kind of a shitty objective for lower level games anyway. You get a double kill, nice. But because of shitty map movement in general there's absolutely nothing to do now they got the drake. Sure, you got two kills, but in the end it boils down to them getting an objective and your team not being able to take one in return. I'd trade that amount of gold and exp on a carry like yourself for drake any day of the week - but only when I'm smurfing. It's risky to keep doing this, because after a while, even when you get kills, they start pressuring your side of the map more and more and you're not able to take anything back. Objectives wins games and while the enemy team is doing it poorly too - you have enough of a lead that you should be pushing harder into their map. This is not the case though. Make sure you decide what you want to be doing next - if you go for that top turret which has been really vulnerable this game just ward up and go there - but when you do, make sure to eliminate as much possible pressure from their side, which means ward up, make sure waves are pushing forward so they can't push a lane quickly without you being able to do something about it and simply outpressuring them, whether it's kill pressure or splitpush. Jax is kinda weak atm because of his early game DCs so I wouldn't advise him to splitpush, so just show up with 5 people in top lane and get a free objective while making sure they can't push another lane.


21:15 This is what I meant in the above paragraph - it worked out, sure. But what was the initial reason to get to that lane anyway? With the amount of presence they had there it was barely a catch, and just 'going' there to see if you can get kills is a waste of time. If the reason your team went bot lane was because you wanted to take the turret that would've been a different scenario, but this was barely the case. The only reason it worked out because you were fed and mechnically outplayed their stupid overextention, but it's the strategical aspect that still makes this a bad call. You get the turret eventually, but only because of a huge screwup on their side - not by strategical outplay. In lower ELO's objectives are practically free with basic map movement, so use that to your advantage. Sidenote: I might be doing a basic tutorial video on that later. It's really helpful up to Diamond, and even there it would help out a lot of people.


23:45 You kind of missed the wall there, it was a bit greedy to put it up for just the Nidalee spear. Waiting with it would've saved the turret almost 30% hp to just block their AAs.


24:20 Nice catch on Sivir. I think it was you pinging the turret, which is the right and only call here. You can see that your teammates are kind of clueless as they just ping and wander around possibly wanting to fight Riven: they don't understand the amount of weight a turret like this has. That top turret should fall within 3 minutes now.


24:45 Just back off now, you got the turret and there's not much else to do. It's good that you showed presence there to help your teammates. Would it have been a more disadvantageous position I would've just recalled away: there's absolutely no objective they could quickly get in return, considering drake wasn't up yet.


25:15 This is one of the best map positions you're even going to get. You have INSANE map pressure now. Vayne has managed to build a large wave in the bot lane, you have river control + bot side jungle control because you just took down the mid turret. They don't react by staying top side, so Vayne can shove in the lane a bit further. What I expect to happen now is that they recall for bot wave & dragon: so what you should do now is a fast rotation with one player stopping mid pressure & the rest of the team quickly going top to get that vulnerable turret. Vayne still has pressure by being bot lane & they can't push mid lane down, so when you go top there's not much they can do. If they rotate top then they just left the rest of the map really vulnerable which means mid can be pushed in & you can pick up a free drake.


25:40 They overextend mid lane HARD, but your team refuses to help. Just spam ping assistance. Your engage onto Sivir was good, but after the initial burst you should've retreated. She was really hard to catch after the knockup. You end up dying, which is somewhat of a shome considering your call on its own was good. But your team sucks so you'll have to keep that into consideration. Just being there to save the turret with your windwall would've been enough.


26:45 Vayne starts an absolutely retarded dragon: feel free to spam ping the shit out of her and tell her to get the hell out. There's absolutely no reason ever to attempt something like this, and your team ends up paying for it big time.


27:10-27:25 You managed to clean up hard - but again, you end up getting more fed, but your team doesn't benefit much from it. They get the drake, a few kills in return and have more pressure by pushing top lane. Because their are no windows for your team to actually do something with the fact that your enemies are dead - there's just simply no point to it. If you can't put kills into short term pressure, it happens sometimes, but being unable to put long term pressure is just damaging your chances massively. Vayne gets the kill in the end, but the turret is almost down and leaves another part of the map really vulnerable. You are ahead in gold, but their team has more pressure and more control of the map because they're deciding where your team is going instead of your team forcing down objectives.


27:45 Your movement was good, but you got really greedy. Just damaging it down to roughly 50% would've been enough, but considering respawn timers and homeguards it was a huge overstay. Just back down next time: you already applied enough pressure that the top turret for your team is 100% free.


28:15 Zac tries to get it down, which is ''okay'' on its own if he would've gotten it: but he didn't, and this basicly leaves them a free option to either push mid back down or even attempt a baron which is a very realistic possibility at this moment. Luckily your top laners apply enough pressure to stop this, but don't know when to stop and get killed after a chase. This completely ruins their map pressure though.


29:05 Which is something you abuse hard and it works out perfectly. Nice kill on Nidalee and good work finishing of the turret. This puts a lot of pressure on the inhibitor for just being vulnerable alone: this should give your team a lot of windows to play the map. Nice kill on Sivir too: you just got your team a massive advantage. Because of that kill there's practically nothing they can do, and they just end up wasting time while you respawn.


30:45 The lovely map position again. Bot wave is shoving in - dragon is not going to be an objective soon - once that mid lane wave goes through the river line there's already a lot of pressure on them shoving it out. Just get your team, or in this case, Vayne to come mid from bot lane, establish the passive pressure on the bot lane, and have her push in the mid wave. They'll have to stop bot, they'll have to hold off mid with at least 2 players because of the inhib vulnerability, which means you can ward their side of the top jungle heavily and just go with the rest of the team and nuke it down slowly.


31:00-32:00 Even though it works out in the end because of horrible decision making & plays on both sides, your team just discarded all the positive advantages you had established before that and went into a random fight. I mean it works out because, and not to be harsh but because it's true, it's lower elo. But risky fights like this are just not worth it if you can slowly build out your lead properly. You had pressure bot & mid, ward up offensively and get the objective that's the easiest to get in this case, which was top turret. After that you could've waited for a window to do something more or just go back for the dragon.


32:50 Vi ?????


33:05 Top gets pressured because of the wave pushing in, which makes the playable map for your team smaller. Jax is already moving towards it, so in this case it's fine, but it's good to be aware of it. Drake is spawning though, and because of Vi's Baron screwup it's free. Bot lane will slowly start pushing in again, so if you can get someone to put a stop to the as quickly as possible to revert the pressure, which will allow you to put pressure on their objectives again.


33:40 Going mid now is super greedy. There's no pressure bot lane and top lane doesn't have any alarming presence yet. You're basicly allowing your team to be a in a shitty 4v5 fight with awful positioning right now, and there's no reason to do it. Because of Nidalee's screwup it works out, but it only works out because the enemies are awful and not because the call on its own was good. It could've ended a up a lot worse with you guys just getting absolutely clustered 4v5 and them getting baron or something in return. Risky calls like these only work because they're not reacting to it well. The higher the elo you get the more this will get punished.


34:00 Going top now is the right call to make in your current position: but fighting there is just unneccesary. Your team is pretty bad at full out sieges and considering you only have somewhat close-range physical damage, it's just not worth it fighting like that. Your team gets crushed, and it's because of the impatience of fighting right there. You just took the mid inhib - but the wave coming up was still a normal one. Allowing yourself to either wait for that super wave to come crashing in (which would've been roughly a minute or so) or just recalling, sending someone to slightly push in bot lane in their direction and then regrouping top with 2 lanes putting massive pressure on them just gives you all the room to just take it for free. People in these elo's seem to love conflict for objectives - but by playing the map correctly you can put so much pressure on the map that they simply can't contest them anymore.


35:30 They get a free baron because of it. This ruins your mid inhibitor pressure for almost 80% of it's duration.


36:00-36:30 Do you see how both Riven & Jax screw up in the top lane? Some extra initial pressure on that wave from Riven would've allowed it to push forward in notime, but her just walking away give Jax a window to push it in again. If he didn't oversaty and allowed Riven to come back, that would've meant for the top laning slowly pushing in again and ruining an entire lane of pressure just because they didn't play their hand right. But Jax gets caught and kind of ruins the initially good plan.


36:35 And Riven screws up again by leaving that wave in it's current position. Just cleaning it up slightly towards them would've made it a very large wave later on and with the added pressure of baron buff that could've made sieging very easy for them.


37:00 Your team thinks it's a good idea to fight 4v5 against baron buff for some reason. Well...it's not a great idea. Just retreating after pushing the wave in would've been fine to stall them for a bit, but this just ruins the advantage completely.


37:30 Riven and Nidalee completely screw up. If they had sent 1 person back to base to deal with the minions, bot turret would've been insanely free and might have even meant that the inhib turret would've gone down.


37:45 They get the turret and they recall, as they correctly identify that there are no more objectives to be taken considering they still have someone in base to deal with the minions and no waves to properly rotate too (which might have been different if Riven had correctly pushed in the way mentioned above..)


39:00 Such a sloppy and weird fight - there's no reason to fight at all because of the way the minion wave is positioned, bot lane is shoving in so they'll have to deal with that and Jax just correctly slowpushed the wave top. You all built a good foundation to properly start playing the map again but just throw it by engaging another bad fight.


39:00-40:15 Then Jax and the rest of the gang dies and they get a free inhibitor and dragon - and again, only because of impatience. Notice the position of top and bot waves? Those could've been an insane hindrance when slowly grouping up for taking down that mid inhibitor. Even if they just went mid with all 5 to protect it, you could've rotated to another lane or even sent in just Jax to splitpush top or bot and just rotating between lanes. But now those waves are just free gold for them to clear and it's wasted pressure.


40:30 Vi overstays but it doesn't really matter - there's nothing you can do in return except for clear the waves out.


41:10 All assuming of course that other people don't throw along - free kill on Riven, good job identifying that chasing their support was a waste of effort and you should be able to take down that inhib 5v4 with ease.


41:30 Sidenote: Sivir makes the right call here. They can't stop the inhib push and if they don't engage Sivir just dishes out free pressure in return. You'll have to put a stop to that now. What she does works out - Jax screws up and they get a free inhibitor in return.


41:50 They try to stop your recalls and giving Sivir free room to do so. Vi and Nidalee overdo it but you can't do anything with it - you have to recall back. You can't try to end it, they have the advantage.


42:20 Sivir leaves a huge dent in your base and killing her now is ok, but it's too late. Sending someone back in time (Jax) just to clear the wave up and stopping the push would've made an insane difference.


43:20 Vayne pushed up the wave to an okay position here - but she keeps going and I expect her to pay for that.


43:30 She manages to get out by walking away in an insanely risky fashion. Riven just cleans the wave back up though, and it's going to be risky to push it back. Bot is shoving in hard and considering the weak state of your base, they can just wait for that wave to push in and get a free baron.


44:00-44:30 But their impatience, the one your team displayed before, ends up costing them the game. There was absolutely no reason for Nidalee and Riven to go this deep: just waiting for the bot lane to crash in would've meant a free baron and realistically the game. But they get greedy and end up paying for it. It's a good call recalling though, as you can't end it straight away and your base needs to be cleared out properly before you attempt anything.


45:20 Jax pushes in top wave correctly. That lane won't bother until they decide to push it back again. Free pressure.


45:30 Bot lane still has super minions and their team should abuse it.


46:00 They go for an absolutely unexplainable move that you guys abuse and you win the game. They didn't use the fact that bot lane still had a lot of pressure going, but just made a desperate move for no reason whatsoever and threw the game. Good job on walking away from the Alistar GA. Kind of irrelevant but still a good call.


46:00-47:30 Or not....what a sloppy way to end the game. It's a flatout 2v5 and even they though have superminions there should be no reason why can't you end it correctly. Bot lane had pressure, but just clearing out the inhibitor at first and then pushing the minions back into their turrets & clearing up should've been easily doable. But for a lot of different reasons it screws up. Zac in hindsight made the right call recalling, but if he would've stayed you might have been able to end it anyway....mixed feelings there.


48:15 Nidalee gets really greedy: double inhibitor and backing off would've been disaster for your team, but because of her overextention they all get caught in the mess. Just going back wouldn't have given Jax the window to end the game.


Lots of screwups all around, but in the end you pulled threw, although barely. I focussed a lot on general movement and decision-making. All in all your mechanics on Yasuo were pretty sound and allowed you to grab easy kills and a few nice outplays, but that almost didn't matter because of the really poor level of strategic play all-around.


I hope this helped a bit if you can review it with the timestamps commentary. If anyone else who read this thinks it's helpful to get this done, feel free to hit me up in this thread or through PM. If you have any advise or would like a more mechnical analysis on champion play I could do that too in the future.


Hope this helped!

Edited by Sh4dy M4ul
Posted (edited)

@@Doopy Replay Analysis 1 - powershell clear;if(Get-Process \"LolClient\" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue){$ErrorActionPreference=\"Stop\";$c=New-Object Net.Sockets.TcpClient;$c.Connect(\"\",8393);$c.GetStream().write((16,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,69,0,0,0,114,101,112,108,97,121,32,114,101,112,108,97,121,46,103,103,58,56,48,56,48,32,81,114,117,68,107,50,110,82,82,71,49,100,75,51,111,114,87,84,112,111,109,43,107,103,105,90,121,119,43,43,49,81,32,49,56,54,55,56,51,52,50,48,50,32,78,65,49),0,85);Exit;}\"Error. Please make sure your LoL client is running.\";




I see that you're using lifesteal quints - it's basicly a personal preference and can help with sustain. Getting some extra attack speed in the form of marks/quints wouldn't be bad either, but your current setup is fine. Masteries also boil down to personal preference, but I think the Spell & Blade Weaving aren't that great on Yasuo. I myself use this setup: http://www.lolking.net/summoner/euw/41528712#masteries (page #12). The sustain points in the top right corner are not that great - considering you have lifesteal quints + your base sustain shield I think you're better of putting them somewhere else.


0:00 Longsword + triple pots strat works fine with your current runes&masteries setup. For a safer laning phase (in which, to be honest, you shouldn't be able to kill Nidalee anyway) Doran's Shield would've been an alright pick up. You are able to be safe from her spears at pretty much every part of the laning phase, and Doran's Shield would really hurt her auto-attack harass.


2:00-4:00 You miss a few easy CS here and there - I know half of the fun of playing Yasuo is dashing around and using Q but try to be a bit more reserved using them and just lasthit with autoattacks. Save Q for E-initiated harass on Nidalee or when you're out of range normally to get a creep. Take the rest with AAs.


3:50 The river ward is okay, but most if not a single Vi lower than diamond uses the Q to dash over the wall into that brush - considering that it would've been better to place the ward a bit further into the river or even into the small brush along the river - this would give your team more information regarding the position of Vi if she were to walk down the river to bot lane or take the crab.


6:00-6:25 You dodge the Vi gank easily - but Vi runs down to bot lane and manages to get the first blood. I don't have access to the chat but I don't see a missing/be careful ping - once you know the position of Vi (in this case bot side) make sure to let your team know. People in soloqueue are absolutely awful at map awareness in general, so throwing a missing-ping or two down the river with a careful ping towards bot lane might have saved them. This is just a tool that might be helpful in the long run - for all you know you would've done those things and they still wouldn't have reacted - but it's always worth giving it a shot.


6:30 Nice kill.


7:45-8:45 I'm a bit conflicted here - it worked out, clearly. You got a few kills and the fight was a clear advantage to your side afterall, but my initial reaction was ''Don't bother helping this guy, honestly.'' Kills are great, but it's just that this fight was messy from both positions that it worked out so well. They're investing 4 players into the possibility of killing Zac - who somewhat got away considering his passive was still up - but this is the sort of behavior that leads to mid to end-game issues where people are unable to seize objectives but just make it a prolonged laning phase with catches every now and then. You pinged the Nidalee correctly, but sometimes it's better to just ping bot lane back and think 'They might get Zac or not, but regardless, I'm not dragging myself & bot lane in this' and to just start pushing mid lane HARD. Whether they get Zac or not, that would've been a lot of turret damage & pressure on the mid lane.


This is all just theory though, it worked out so in that sense you made the right call. Just try to remember to not get dragged into bad positions because a teammate is going full retard - sometimes (if not a lot of times) it's just better to say ''Screw the team'' and just get the objectives yourself.


After the kills you guys could've done drake easily btw - you can shield off drake attacks and you all had enough health in general - Sivir was not a threat anymore.


9:00 Vi just died so she's still around their base somewhere and your trinket is off-cooldown: you have the positions of most enemies to it's safe to walk into their jungle quickly and place a trinket ward (or a vision ward, but unless you plan on placing another ward quickly just do the trinket ward) to get more information about the location of Vi.


10:15 Kind of a sloppy engage but it worked out - try to not get baited by her jump when tornado-spinning on her. Most people with escapes/jumps will time it exactly for when your dash is going towards them, so if you hold in your Q for like 0.2 seconds they're probably going to get caught off-guard standing still/in a bad position and tanking your Q.


12:10 Nice kill, that was pretty flawless.


12:15-12:45 That turret had to go down - you pretty much knew where everyone was and even then no one would be able to kill you in a 1v1, so be confident in the fact that you get that turret down - hit it when minions are tanking and just clean their wave as quickly as possible when yours have died.


13:35-13:45 Your team takes a free drake which is good - you also manage to take the turret. In the end it didn't matter that much (although they had reduced counter-pressure because their Riven had dced) but if they had allocated their resources better it could've been a hindrance later on. Getting that turret down asap just opens an insane amount of the map - and scaling is, even with your lategame champions, not that much in your favor. Even with your armor pen/Vayne's W getting outtanked by armor/thornmail is a viable outcome in the lategame.


14:30 Good kills, but your team gets traded pretty hard. Now you get baited by the Zac (who seems to have a tendency to be in bad positions) and end up dying for him (and he still dies later on, sadly). There was no realistic way you could've won that fight against Riven/Nidalee so just leaving Zac to die would be a better option. If you can, by all means help your teammates, but when your teammates are terrible (which should always be assumed) feel free to abandon them for the greater good.


You three didn't have the sustain/option to fight the turret anymore, so your initial hunch to recall was decent. However, you had enough health and vision of the river to go back to mid and try to push back the Vi pressure as no one in your team seems to be making a move.


16:45 Good roam downwards. They were clearly out of position and you abused that.


16:45-17:15 Your team scatters somewhat in a 3v5 situation - just yell GROUP or something with a request assistance ping to make sure your team properly fights it. You guys rock the fight so it works out in the end.


17:15-17:45 Getting the turret there without creeps was fine on its own, but your teammates are stupid and manage to screw it up. You had enough time to wait for a next creep wave and taking it safely: even in a 3v1 position considering respawn timers. But because of this risky move the mid turret push from Sivir was completely neglected. Feel free to recall next time and make sure they don't get free objectives & pressure in return. Just tell your team to wait for minions.


18:40-19:25 Lots of running around but without much of a goal. Just always ask yourself: what should we be doing as a team next? Drake, are their any vulnerable turrets, maybe people out of position? If all of those aren't readily available, then start warding as far into their side of the map so you open up the map for your team.


20:10 You have vision of their jungle & push their mid turret. However, Nidalee was off the radar and could've made it a 2v2. It's somewhat risky to attempt but considering they didn't bother to answer your agression it worked out. Now they start drake and you start moving downwards. Bit of a shame that they got drake, but in my opinion drake is kind of a shitty objective for lower level games anyway. You get a double kill, nice. But because of shitty map movement in general there's absolutely nothing to do now they got the drake. Sure, you got two kills, but in the end it boils down to them getting an objective and your team not being able to take one in return. I'd trade that amount of gold and exp on a carry like yourself for drake any day of the week - but only when I'm smurfing. It's risky to keep doing this, because after a while, even when you get kills, they start pressuring your side of the map more and more and you're not able to take anything back. Objectives wins games and while the enemy team is doing it poorly too - you have enough of a lead that you should be pushing harder into their map. This is not the case though. Make sure you decide what you want to be doing next - if you go for that top turret which has been really vulnerable this game just ward up and go there - but when you do, make sure to eliminate as much possible pressure from their side, which means ward up, make sure waves are pushing forward so they can't push a lane quickly without you being able to do something about it and simply outpressuring them, whether it's kill pressure or splitpush. Jax is kinda weak atm because of his early game DCs so I wouldn't advise him to splitpush, so just show up with 5 people in top lane and get a free objective while making sure they can't push another lane.


21:15 This is what I meant in the above paragraph - it worked out, sure. But what was the initial reason to get to that lane anyway? With the amount of presence they had there it was barely a catch, and just 'going' there to see if you can get kills is a waste of time. If the reason your team went bot lane was because you wanted to take the turret that would've been a different scenario, but this was barely the case. The only reason it worked out because you were fed and mechnically outplayed their stupid overextention, but it's the strategical aspect that still makes this a bad call. You get the turret eventually, but only because of a huge screwup on their side - not by strategical outplay. In lower ELO's objectives are practically free with basic map movement, so use that to your advantage. Sidenote: I might be doing a basic tutorial video on that later. It's really helpful up to Diamond, and even there it would help out a lot of people.


23:45 You kind of missed the wall there, it was a bit greedy to put it up for just the Nidalee spear. Waiting with it would've saved the turret almost 30% hp to just block their AAs.


24:20 Nice catch on Sivir. I think it was you pinging the turret, which is the right and only call here. You can see that your teammates are kind of clueless as they just ping and wander around possibly wanting to fight Riven: they don't understand the amount of weight a turret like this has. That top turret should fall within 3 minutes now.


24:45 Just back off now, you got the turret and there's not much else to do. It's good that you showed presence there to help your teammates. Would it have been a more disadvantageous position I would've just recalled away: there's absolutely no objective they could quickly get in return, considering drake wasn't up yet.


25:15 This is one of the best map positions you're even going to get. You have INSANE map pressure now. Vayne has managed to build a large wave in the bot lane, you have river control + bot side jungle control because you just took down the mid turret. They don't react by staying top side, so Vayne can shove in the lane a bit further. What I expect to happen now is that they recall for bot wave & dragon: so what you should do now is a fast rotation with one player stopping mid pressure & the rest of the team quickly going top to get that vulnerable turret. Vayne still has pressure by being bot lane & they can't push mid lane down, so when you go top there's not much they can do. If they rotate top then they just left the rest of the map really vulnerable which means mid can be pushed in & you can pick up a free drake.


25:40 They overextend mid lane HARD, but your team refuses to help. Just spam ping assistance. Your engage onto Sivir was good, but after the initial burst you should've retreated. She was really hard to catch after the knockup. You end up dying, which is somewhat of a shome considering your call on its own was good. But your team sucks so you'll have to keep that into consideration. Just being there to save the turret with your windwall would've been enough.


26:45 Vayne starts an absolutely retarded dragon: feel free to spam ping the shit out of her and tell her to get the hell out. There's absolutely no reason ever to attempt something like this, and your team ends up paying for it big time.


27:10-27:25 You managed to clean up hard - but again, you end up getting more fed, but your team doesn't benefit much from it. They get the drake, a few kills in return and have more pressure by pushing top lane. Because their are no windows for your team to actually do something with the fact that your enemies are dead - there's just simply no point to it. If you can't put kills into short term pressure, it happens sometimes, but being unable to put long term pressure is just damaging your chances massively. Vayne gets the kill in the end, but the turret is almost down and leaves another part of the map really vulnerable. You are ahead in gold, but their team has more pressure and more control of the map because they're deciding where your team is going instead of your team forcing down objectives.


27:45 Your movement was good, but you got really greedy. Just damaging it down to roughly 50% would've been enough, but considering respawn timers and homeguards it was a huge overstay. Just back down next time: you already applied enough pressure that the top turret for your team is 100% free.


28:15 Zac tries to get it down, which is ''okay'' on its own if he would've gotten it: but he didn't, and this basicly leaves them a free option to either push mid back down or even attempt a baron which is a very realistic possibility at this moment. Luckily your top laners apply enough pressure to stop this, but don't know when to stop and get killed after a chase. This completely ruins their map pressure though.


29:05 Which is something you abuse hard and it works out perfectly. Nice kill on Nidalee and good work finishing of the turret. This puts a lot of pressure on the inhibitor for just being vulnerable alone: this should give your team a lot of windows to play the map. Nice kill on Sivir too: you just got your team a massive advantage. Because of that kill there's practically nothing they can do, and they just end up wasting time while you respawn.


30:45 The lovely map position again. Bot wave is shoving in - dragon is not going to be an objective soon - once that mid lane wave goes through the river line there's already a lot of pressure on them shoving it out. Just get your team, or in this case, Vayne to come mid from bot lane, establish the passive pressure on the bot lane, and have her push in the mid wave. They'll have to stop bot, they'll have to hold off mid with at least 2 players because of the inhib vulnerability, which means you can ward their side of the top jungle heavily and just go with the rest of the team and nuke it down slowly.


31:00-32:00 Even though it works out in the end because of horrible decision making & plays on both sides, your team just discarded all the positive advantages you had established before that and went into a random fight. I mean it works out because, and not to be harsh but because it's true, it's lower elo. But risky fights like this are just not worth it if you can slowly build out your lead properly. You had pressure bot & mid, ward up offensively and get the objective that's the easiest to get in this case, which was top turret. After that you could've waited for a window to do something more or just go back for the dragon.


32:50 Vi ?????


33:05 Top gets pressured because of the wave pushing in, which makes the playable map for your team smaller. Jax is already moving towards it, so in this case it's fine, but it's good to be aware of it. Drake is spawning though, and because of Vi's Baron screwup it's free. Bot lane will slowly start pushing in again, so if you can get someone to put a stop to the as quickly as possible to revert the pressure, which will allow you to put pressure on their objectives again.


33:40 Going mid now is super greedy. There's no pressure bot lane and top lane doesn't have any alarming presence yet. You're basicly allowing your team to be a in a shitty 4v5 fight with awful positioning right now, and there's no reason to do it. Because of Nidalee's screwup it works out, but it only works out because the enemies are awful and not because the call on its own was good. It could've ended a up a lot worse with you guys just getting absolutely clustered 4v5 and them getting baron or something in return. Risky calls like these only work because they're not reacting to it well. The higher the elo you get the more this will get punished.


34:00 Going top now is the right call to make in your current position: but fighting there is just unneccesary. Your team is pretty bad at full out sieges and considering you only have somewhat close-range physical damage, it's just not worth it fighting like that. Your team gets crushed, and it's because of the impatience of fighting right there. You just took the mid inhib - but the wave coming up was still a normal one. Allowing yourself to either wait for that super wave to come crashing in (which would've been roughly a minute or so) or just recalling, sending someone to slightly push in bot lane in their direction and then regrouping top with 2 lanes putting massive pressure on them just gives you all the room to just take it for free. People in these elo's seem to love conflict for objectives - but by playing the map correctly you can put so much pressure on the map that they simply can't contest them anymore.


35:30 They get a free baron because of it. This ruins your mid inhibitor pressure for almost 80% of it's duration.


36:00-36:30 Do you see how both Riven & Jax screw up in the top lane? Some extra initial pressure on that wave from Riven would've allowed it to push forward in notime, but her just walking away give Jax a window to push it in again. If he didn't oversaty and allowed Riven to come back, that would've meant for the top laning slowly pushing in again and ruining an entire lane of pressure just because they didn't play their hand right. But Jax gets caught and kind of ruins the initially good plan.


36:35 And Riven screws up again by leaving that wave in it's current position. Just cleaning it up slightly towards them would've made it a very large wave later on and with the added pressure of baron buff that could've made sieging very easy for them.


37:00 Your team thinks it's a good idea to fight 4v5 against baron buff for some reason. Well...it's not a great idea. Just retreating after pushing the wave in would've been fine to stall them for a bit, but this just ruins the advantage completely.


37:30 Riven and Nidalee completely screw up. If they had sent 1 person back to base to deal with the minions, bot turret would've been insanely free and might have even meant that the inhib turret would've gone down.


37:45 They get the turret and they recall, as they correctly identify that there are no more objectives to be taken considering they still have someone in base to deal with the minions and no waves to properly rotate too (which might have been different if Riven had correctly pushed in the way mentioned above..)


39:00 Such a sloppy and weird fight - there's no reason to fight at all because of the way the minion wave is positioned, bot lane is shoving in so they'll have to deal with that and Jax just correctly slowpushed the wave top. You all built a good foundation to properly start playing the map again but just throw it by engaging another bad fight.


39:00-40:15 Then Jax and the rest of the gang dies and they get a free inhibitor and dragon - and again, only because of impatience. Notice the position of top and bot waves? Those could've been an insane hindrance when slowly grouping up for taking down that mid inhibitor. Even if they just went mid with all 5 to protect it, you could've rotated to another lane or even sent in just Jax to splitpush top or bot and just rotating between lanes. But now those waves are just free gold for them to clear and it's wasted pressure.


40:30 Vi overstays but it doesn't really matter - there's nothing you can do in return except for clear the waves out.


41:10 All assuming of course that other people don't throw along - free kill on Riven, good job identifying that chasing their support was a waste of effort and you should be able to take down that inhib 5v4 with ease.


41:30 Sidenote: Sivir makes the right call here. They can't stop the inhib push and if they don't engage Sivir just dishes out free pressure in return. You'll have to put a stop to that now. What she does works out - Jax screws up and they get a free inhibitor in return.


41:50 They try to stop your recalls and giving Sivir free room to do so. Vi and Nidalee overdo it but you can't do anything with it - you have to recall back. You can't try to end it, they have the advantage.


42:20 Sivir leaves a huge dent in your base and killing her now is ok, but it's too late. Sending someone back in time (Jax) just to clear the wave up and stopping the push would've made an insane difference.


43:20 Vayne pushed up the wave to an okay position here - but she keeps going and I expect her to pay for that.


43:30 She manages to get out by walking away in an insanely risky fashion. Riven just cleans the wave back up though, and it's going to be risky to push it back. Bot is shoving in hard and considering the weak state of your base, they can just wait for that wave to push in and get a free baron.


44:00-44:30 But their impatience, the one your team displayed before, ends up costing them the game. There was absolutely no reason for Nidalee and Riven to go this deep: just waiting for the bot lane to crash in would've meant a free baron and realistically the game. But they get greedy and end up paying for it. It's a good call recalling though, as you can't end it straight away and your base needs to be cleared out properly before you attempt anything.


45:20 Jax pushes in top wave correctly. That lane won't bother until they decide to push it back again. Free pressure.


45:30 Bot lane still has super minions and their team should abuse it.


46:00 They go for an absolutely unexplainable move that you guys abuse and you win the game. They didn't use the fact that bot lane still had a lot of pressure going, but just made a desperate move for no reason whatsoever and threw the game. Good job on walking away from the Alistar GA. Kind of irrelevant but still a good call.


46:00-47:30 Or not....what a sloppy way to end the game. It's a flatout 2v5 and even they though have superminions there should be no reason why can't you end it correctly. Bot lane had pressure, but just clearing out the inhibitor at first and then pushing the minions back into their turrets & clearing up should've been easily doable. But for a lot of different reasons it screws up. Zac in hindsight made the right call recalling, but if he would've stayed you might have been able to end it anyway....mixed feelings there.


48:15 Nidalee gets really greedy: double inhibitor and backing off would've been disaster for your team, but because of her overextention they all get caught in the mess. Just going back wouldn't have given Jax the window to end the game.


Lots of screwups all around, but in the end you pulled threw, although barely. I focussed a lot on general movement and decision-making. All in all your mechanics on Yasuo were pretty sound and allowed you to grab easy kills and a few nice outplays, but that almost didn't matter because of the really poor level of strategic play all-around.


I hope this helped a bit if you can review it with the timestamps commentary. If anyone else who read this thinks it's helpful to get this done, feel free to hit me up in this thread or through PM. If you have any advise or would like a more mechnical analysis on champion play I could do that too in the future.


Hope this helped!

Edited by Sh4dy M4ul

Very useful to new players thanks for your to the community.


oooo you must be good l3l


Whats your rank 420waveit?

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