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The epic tales of a Saturday.

I Pown3r I

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I Pown3r I

All right, those who were in TGG at the same time as I was probably remember how I used to come on trips/stat parties or show up in IRC, completely wasted where noone understood anything of what I said. As a true Finn, I keep drinking, and when I'm drinking, I truelly drink. (If I'm with the crew ^_^)

So, what did my saturday look like? I woke up, had a badass headache thanks to staying up late for the FOE Friday trip. I shower, shave myself and look at my cellphone. A message from my friend saying "let's drink at your place". I reply "Fine, I got nothing else to do anyways." :whistle:

About 7:30 the crew arrives, each and everyone with a 12 pack or a "box" as we call it. (a box means 24 cans of beer). Anyways, we decided to grill, and since I was the guy who was most sober, I got assigned to it. I grilled, we ate, we played some GH and one guy says "God, I'd like to do something else now". Everyone agrees, so the other guy suggest we'll go and play some sport. With half of the crew having 1.5 promille and the rest with 1 promille, we decided to play soccer to start off with. Since we all sucked at it, we gave up on it. As we were sitting and smoking, a guy says "hey, let's go to the school and play floorball in the gym". With noone else having anything else to do, we decided to do that. :wow:

First problem. How shall we get in? Simple. Climb over a damn fence surrounding the school, climb through the always open window to the changing room (which are like 21 inches broad) and finally, try to get in the gym without breaking any doors. luckily, the door was open, but imagine nine guys trying to perform all this, in the dark, carrying floorball sticks, beer, and drunk.

Second problem. Who should be the goalkeeper? After arguing over it, we forced the guy who was most drunk into the goal. He didn't understand a shit, so it was k.

Third problem. 90% didn't bring appropriate shoes. So we took whatever we could find. That included two pairs of rollerskates, ballet shoes and boots. Was quite fun to see that aswell.

After a bit of playing (from 11 PM to 2.30 AM) everyone had sobered up, everyone, including me, having headache and hangover, sweaty, thirsty and wondering "what the hell are we doing here?" So we pulled the same trick as we did before, sneaked out, breaking a bench on our way out. No idea how it happened, I just heard a bang, see my friend on the floor and a bench with a broken plank. We laughed.

Now, as I'm home, my whole body hurts, I'm tired, my odour is a mix of fast food, sweat and beer, I can barely type on the keyboard and disturbingly, I got a room filled with empty bottles and hamburger papers. Speaking of typing, please read the topic entirely, since it took me half a god damn hour to make.

So learn from my stupidity and stick to tha' herb, as a true mud face.

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I Pown3r I

im assuming floorball=hockey

Sort of...ingame hockey, with a ball instead of a puck. The sticks are never made of anything but aluminum and plastic, difficult to tell. Google and you'll see.

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