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Intense Redemption PK Vid I


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Hey, I'm Tal / Destroynoobz, High Council of Intense Redemption.

We've been working on a little project as of late, and I'm here to present it to you so that you can see it and tell us what you think.  

Feel free to comment on the video or directly on this post:
rate it, criticize, tell me where to improve, etc.

I hope you enjoy, we've put a good deal of effort into this.

Songs used:

Papercut - Linkin Park
In One Ear - Cage the Elephant
Young - Hollywood Undead


Without further ado:


rushed, editting and clips were subpar.

Clan pk vids are ment to be best of the best, simply alot of them clips wern't

the effort is there though, gl.


First song was overused, the pking was a bit repetitive/normal but editing was alright.

Since i know you guys put a lot of effort into this so i'm gonna give you




And yeah, this is more of a practice attempt to see what I can do, it was my first time ever editting something largescale.

Vid Two will be a lot better I think.

Thanks again for replies, a lot friendlier than the other high level clans O.O


Pretty cool...

Seem kinda rushed, but could have been much better. Some bad clips & that 1st song I hear in like almost every pk vid lol..

GJ though  :)


How come whenever I go into IR's chan and say Hi I get flamed?

Maybe it has something to do with the .gif of an old clamnate of yours PJing me with pray and then teleing that I showed a while ago, idk :unsure2:


How come whenever I go into IR's chan and say Hi I get flamed?

Maybe it has something to do with the .gif of an old clamnate of yours PJing me with pray and then teleing that I showed a while ago, idk :unsure2:

Did you honestly find it necessary to post something like that?


too many noob clips, kinda annoying editing at times, not good music, especially the 1st is soo over-used.

3/5 i guess


Nonono don't take it in a bad way, I'm just saying that, whenever I used to go in yuor channel they'd go GO AWAY IDIOT or some shit like that, conveniently after showing it... I was just trying to do something good  :sleep:

Damn, don't get offended :huh:


My bad thought it was a troll lol

dw IR has changed a lot over the Summer, feel free to come in any time

Adam | LayDown

i want to like it, i rly do, but to me it looks like a wannabe clan


i want to like it, i rly do, but to me it looks like a wannabe clan


IR is over two years old.

Why do you consider us wannabes?


i want to like it, i rly do, but to me it looks like a wannabe clan

IR's been around for a while lol, they're a low-mid lvl clan... Not every clan out there needs 90+ stat members lol


seemed a bit rushed with not enough big koes and a bit over edited but.......

it was a first try and i didn't mind it even though there werent alot of big koes there was a few 30+30 specs with dds

just dont rush it so much next time 8.5/10


Found clips too long and didnt like style of choice with songs, although editing was decent as its your first proper effort as it: this is also my 1000th post woot


Was Rushed, horrible/


lol. I give it a 7.5/10

If this was an ordinary 1 account pk vid it would be really good. But as walli said, it needs to be THE BEST.

The clips need to be gathered over a long time of pking but a lot of the clan members in order to make it GREAT.

Ya the songs were already overused and the editing was alittle rushed. But the first vid is never that good.

Keep it up, im looking forward to seeing a better vid the next time.


it was alright, but i reckon you could do alot better



Decent vid, Expected more from IR.

Overall 3/5. Goodluck on ur next vid, Hope it will be better.


wtfuxc it isnt a clan pk video, put more effort into it :( dont rush things like this O.o


Quite a lack of editing, didn't flow with the music, didn't emphasise the Ko's and when you did most of them were average hits like a 36 or 27.  First song I've heard in over a dozen pk videos, and the second was questionable in terms of suitable for a pk video. 

What am I saying I don't even play runescape anymore...


Wasn't a fan of some of the editing, made it hard and fustrating to watch.

Barely any use of AGS/Claws or even some vls or statius hammer (i think i saw it once or twice?). Also, not much hybridding/team pking, i know there was some fast fowarded fight at altar was the only bit of multi pking in there i think.

Lastly, the music wasn't good, i turned off the volume like i'm sure a few more did.

Edit - Forgot to say, it was ok though.

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