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Well, I recently sold my main account for 1200$ because it's just useless to me since I don't do anything on it since 2006.(Even though my mate played it since last week and he decided to quit[the account is maxed combat and everything above 85].

I haven't yet passed the money to my true paypal account but I already decided that I am going to buy a new computer with it. How am I going to explain my mother how I got the money?I don't work and I'm nowhere near to be greedy aka whatever the cash I have, I spend.

How am I going to explain a new computer to my mother?

Yes, my mother doesn't know much about computers but she probably knows what a 400$ computer is and what a 1200$ is.

Thanks for reading.

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The truth. But make sure she doesnt pull you out of school to start putting food on the table by playing runescape.

Edit: How did you go about selling the account? Or was it irl? Cuz iv got countless acc's that are rotting.

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The truth. But make sure she doesnt pull you out of school to start putting food on the table by playing runescape.

Edit: How did you go about selling the account? Or was it irl? Cuz iv got countless acc's that are rotting.

I sold to some dude I know for years but if your looking to sell: Gold4Rs.com Rs2happy.com and ebay works. They usually don't give what the account is worth but it's $ atleast.

Pm me if you need further help.

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Tell her you're a part time hooker :nice:

No lol, just tell her the truth. If I told my rents that I sold my rs account for 1.2g's they'd be super happy lol

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i sold one of my accounts for like 200$ (i know thats not close to 1200$) i told her and she liked it c: lol, then she started paying for my mems lols

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She would think its a bad thing? My parents hate runescape but if i ended up with 1200$ out of it they would regret ever telling me to stop :D!

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