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Bossing at 1 defence?


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Posted (edited)

So i've decided to see what bossing is viable at 1 defense. Seeing as i couldn't find a guide I thought i'd make a list. Some the following is taken from reddit, will update list with new information as it comes to my attention via comments and input from the community and personal experience, hopefully find some new bosses to hunt in the process as I am not very familiar with pvming.


Chaos fanatic

Range this guy as he has super high melee defense. Protect from magic. He only attacks with mage. Sometimes he shoots out 3 green blobs, just walk away from them and they won't hurt.  There's an altar just south west from him so you should restore prayer after every kill. (Or mid kill if you're low prayer and don't use pots)

Crazy Archeologist

Mage this guy because he has super high range defense and he uses melee + range in melee range which would destroy a pure in 3 seconds. He has an attack pretty much identical to chaos fanatic, just avoid the 3 orange blobs he shoots out (and the 2 blobs that explode out of those) There are safespot(s) also I believe you can snare/entangle him.


Protect from melee and constantly attack him in melee range. I think godsword is best. He can hit 60 and avoid prayer so always stay as high HP as possible. Best to duo him but solo is doable. Might be hard to do this boss with less than 85 hp level.


Protect from melee. Poison is useful (dds is good cos he's weak to stab) Bring stamina pots because he runs away and you gotta chase him.


Probably have to range him cos you can't use hasta and whip is pretty bad on him. So... Just bring antifire pots and an antifire shield, don't even need to pray when ranging cos he only attacks with "Dragonfire" which is NOT magic and armour doesn't help against. So just wear your best range gear and attack him, don't go into melee distance. His def is high so pots and eagle eye flicking is recommended.

Kalphite Queen

Protect from range or magic (Literally doesn't matter which one, they're both 100% accurate and hit same) Use melee when she's protecting from range, use range when she's protecting from melee. Don't stand in melee range when ranging. Remember to bring antipoison.

Mage recommended Trident/Iban + snares, pray range and stay out of melee range. 

will post when I learn rotations or someone posts summary.

You can do Bandos and Zammy if you have a tank with another 2-3 ppl. You would only be able to kill Arma and Sara if you have a mass. 

Edited by Battousai12
Posted (edited)

Scorpia - Trident of the Seas/Iban - Snares - Pray Range don't get in melee range.

                Use monk robes for prayer bonus.


Zulrah - Easy once you learn the rotations. A lot of guides on YT :) It's how we all learn.

Edited by xExiilez

Godwars - You can do Bandos and Zammy if you have a tank with another 2-3 ppl. You would only be able to kill Arma and Sara if you have a mass. 


Vet'ion is easy at any def lvl, just flinch and take 0 damage.

Venenatis is hard but possible with range


Corp solo


We used to do Sara a lot on 1 def with range and zgs mele minion

Posted (edited)

I found Callisto hard with 75 Attack, ags literally never hit. Range hit better for me there, although I'm not sure if I was just lucky, only did 3 kills in a duo.

Edited by Flav0ur

nice guide man


Nice one cheers.


Even in a mass u get raped at arma at 1def, got a hilt split there tho once, like 150k ea hype


who bosses wtf

Judging by most of these responses, I would say a good amount.


I want the KQ pet :l

  • 2 weeks later...

Nice guide thanks man


great guide buddy

Pking Stoned

nice guide

  • 2 weeks later...

Do chaos ele, coolest pet imo + one of the best drop rates at 1/300. Shit for cash tho :D

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