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Different types of runescape players you will meet in clanning (which one are you?)


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Posted (edited)

The laid back ones: will do anything asked of them. Show up to all events possible, and always willing to help newcomers




The kids ranqe wannabe: They think they're really good cuz they can blitz gmaul someone 8 times before successfully getting a kill on a one itemer. They will talk a lot of shit and claim they never die. There will also be tons of gifs of them getting one banged




The 1v1 edgeville prod recruit: These guys will skip your trip to go pking on their zerker account or something. Even tho they play runescape 12 hours a day already. 



The maxed 20+ def player: The try hards. They will be super focused on always tanking till out, doing constant damage, and being the best warrer possible. They are 100% focused on warring and warring alone. 1v1 is not worth their time



The greg: They will eventually scam a newcomer and dip out of your clan. They will somehow get into other clans and you'll hear about how they scammed someone else as well. They also eat their own shit for RSGP



The retard: Have no idea when events are taking place, need to be reminded how to tank when they've been clanning for years, talk to themselves in game/ts/forums, and generally have no idea what the fuck is going on. 




That guy stuck in the past: Complain that all pures do is nh pk and use overheads. Have no idea how overpowered a main with a torso/defender/fcape actually is. Think hybridding is using a magic short bow with a dds and smite is acceptable in 2k15. They also don't believe the wilderness is cancer and clan wars sucks. 


The paki leader: Self explanatory



Which one are you?

Edited by Colin

I'm laid back, I like to pkay solo in 25 and 18,  and I like midweeks. 


I'm not the best brid but I can do it.


I have a maxed 25 def with 99 prayer but I also have a level 71 mauler and a 83 I pk on that are both 1 defence.



But for the most part I just enjoy a little of everything.


Can i make my own type? cause none of these are my typessssss


Can i make my own type? cause none of these are my typessssss

i edited the op for your own category



Can i make my own type? cause none of these are my typessssss

i edited the op for your own category


LOL nice1


you missed the newbie homie hahah


That guy stuck in the past would meet me the most, especially because the wilderness was simply great around 06-07. It was madness, legends were born


probably the retard LOL


I don't have no type bad bitches is the only thing that I like


i guess im the laid back one


I don't have no type bad bitches is the only thing that I like

Posted (edited)

'That guy stuck in the past'  totally me  :ohmy: 

Edited by Rolexx

The type that makes these kind of topics jk


The laid back one

The maxed 20+ def player

That guy stuck in the past


First 4 are all me, without the skipping trips and being 20 def.


im the kids ranqe wanna be


Choose one for me




That guy stuck in the past: Complain that all pures do is nh pk and use overheads. Have no idea how overpowered a main with a torso/defender/fcape actually is. Think hybridding is using a magic short bow with a dds and smite is acceptable in 2k15. They also don't believe the wilderness is cancer and clan wars sucks.


The paki leader: Self explanatory


The retard: Have no idea when events are taking place, need to be reminded how to tank when they've been clanning for years, talk to themselves in game/ts/forums, and generally have no idea what the fuck is going on.

@@Dripz bolded relevant part

The greg: They will eventually scam a newcomer and dip out of your clan. They will somehow get into other clans and you'll hear about how they scammed someone else as well. They also eat their own shit for RSGP


The maxed 20+ def player: The try hards. They will be super focused on always tanking till out, doing constant damage, and being the best warrer possible. They are 100% focused on warring and warring alone. 1v1 is not worth their time

The 1v1 edgeville prod recruit: These guys will skip your trip to go pking on their zerker account or something. Even tho they play runescape 12 hours a day already. 
The kids ranqe wannabe: They think they're really good cuz they can blitz gmaul someone 8 times before successfully getting a kill on a one itemer. They will talk a lot of shit and claim they never die. There will also be tons of gifs of them getting one banged


spot on

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