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This Bot ****ing Fails


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You know you're in the wrong pug ladder when you:


-40 bomb

-with a bot on the team since r3/r4

-with all teammates muted since r3/r4

-win 16-13 on Cache after losing CT side


Yet faceit seems to think I'm level 4 on a scale of 1-10... god bless


gold pickem trophy easy


I didn't do pickem this time. I got gold in Katowice though.


Good major all in all. Fnatic was a very expected champion.


got my first knijf 



I'm already saying this now. When I eventually rank up from Supreme to Global Elite, I will leave 64tick matchmaking behind. I will literally play 1 game a month, ONLY to keep my rank, but all of my playing shall be solely on FaceIt/ESEA. 128tick and real challenges await.


I'm already saying this now. When I eventually rank up from Supreme to Global Elite, I will leave 64tick matchmaking behind. I will literally play 1 game a month, ONLY to keep my rank, but all of my playing shall be solely on FaceIt/ESEA. 128tick and real challenges await.

yeah nigga esea is where its at


I'm already saying this now. When I eventually rank up from Supreme to Global Elite, I will leave 64tick matchmaking behind. I will literally play 1 game a month, ONLY to keep my rank, but all of my playing shall be solely on FaceIt/ESEA. 128tick and real challenges await.

yeah nigga esea is where its at

Ye it's a good service. Last time I was subscribed I was mg something and got shat on.


I'd love to play ESEA too but everything about their business seems retarded, their spokesperson is a complete moron and their software is so invasive. But the other services are kinda bad so there's not much point in trying anything else, is there?


FaceIt is really good, especially in EU. Give it a go. It's free, but you might wanna subscribe later for some nice features.


I'm already saying this now. When I eventually rank up from Supreme to Global Elite, I will leave 64tick matchmaking behind. I will literally play 1 game a month, ONLY to keep my rank, but all of my playing shall be solely on FaceIt/ESEA. 128tick and real challenges await.

I play on a shitty laptop and I'm only getting 50-70 fps atm, would I even notice the 128tick difference? 


I'm already saying this now. When I eventually rank up from Supreme to Global Elite, I will leave 64tick matchmaking behind. I will literally play 1 game a month, ONLY to keep my rank, but all of my playing shall be solely on FaceIt/ESEA. 128tick and real challenges await.

I play on a shitty laptop and I'm only getting 50-70 fps atm, would I even notice the 128tick difference?

In your case probably not all that much, but I mean hit detection and everything is just much smoother.


I'm already saying this now. When I eventually rank up from Supreme to Global Elite, I will leave 64tick matchmaking behind. I will literally play 1 game a month, ONLY to keep my rank, but all of my playing shall be solely on FaceIt/ESEA. 128tick and real challenges await.

I play on a shitty laptop and I'm only getting 50-70 fps atm, would I even notice the 128tick difference?

In your case probably not all that much, but I mean hit detection and everything is just much smoother.
You definitely would notice a different. FPS only has an impact on refresh rate, 128 tick makes it easier to move, feels smoother and hit registration is moved up a little. But there's no point in playing ESEA or FaceIt with that FPS as you are at a massive disadvantage and the level is significantly higher than regular match making.




I'm already saying this now. When I eventually rank up from Supreme to Global Elite, I will leave 64tick matchmaking behind. I will literally play 1 game a month, ONLY to keep my rank, but all of my playing shall be solely on FaceIt/ESEA. 128tick and real challenges await.

I play on a shitty laptop and I'm only getting 50-70 fps atm, would I even notice the 128tick difference?
In your case probably not all that much, but I mean hit detection and everything is just much smoother.
You definitely would notice a different. FPS only has an impact on refresh rate, 128 tick makes it easier to move, feels smoother and hit registration is moved up a little. But there's no point in playing ESEA or FaceIt with that FPS as you are at a massive disadvantage and the level is significantly higher than regular match making.



Yeah you definitely notice a difference, but if u play with a laptop like u said Pieter then just stick to matchmaking. MM games are mostly more even than 128tick 3rd party services, because in ESEA for example you might have a team with 2 globals, 1 dmg, 1 mg2 and a fricking silver elite master on the same side. ESEA is not skill-based, so you will have a really hard time in some games, if matched against globals etc. FaceIt on the other hand is somewhat skill based with its matchmaking, because they have a level system and ELO system. However even there you will notice globals with lvl 3 and 1100 ELO, when their true skill lies anywhere between 1800-2500 ELO


Eh I just play no matter what tick xD thats just how I role. I traded for a awp medusa, it's pretty fucking sexy.


@@Lubo how long does supreme-global generally take. Like does it require a fk load more wins and topfrags than any other rankup?


I'm like 4-2 since supreme or something. Slowly, but surely.


I wanna organize a 5v5 FOE vs FI on CSGO i'm sure we can come up with a team :D


lol getting global took lubo a looong time, but lubo has a shit ton of games on his acc

Its zeh noob

got my first knijf 




I wanna organize a 5v5 FOE vs FI on CSGO i'm sure we can come up with a team :D

EU or NA


I wanna organize a 5v5 FOE vs FI on CSGO i'm sure we can come up with a team :D

EU or NA



Idk i'm not sure where we have more players. I asked around FI they seem to have more NA. 


I can coach if it's NA l0l. And we could use your server :D


I wanna organize a 5v5 FOE vs FI on CSGO i'm sure we can come up with a team :D

EU or NA

Idk i'm not sure where we have more players. I asked around FI they seem to have more NA.

I can coach if it's NA l0l. And we could use your server :D

Always down

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