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FUCK I LOST MY FUCKING BAG! It's not at the reception, I hope I didn't lose it in the train. In that case I'm not going to get it back...

My pen tablet, all my drawing material, my sketchbook, my wallet with my identification papers... seriously, fucking raging right now.

If some douche from my school was so funnyto hide it, I'll crush his fucking skull and use my pencils as chopsticks to feed his brains to some fucking guard dogs.


oh shit man, gl finding it


Ouch :S though some kid decided to hide oneof my books the other day so i decided to hide his bag, and i wasnt in the following day and then it was the weekend, he raged it was fucking hilarious.


Dude..some doucheoff stole my hoodie in 7th grade. i hope he had a good time at the nurse..i feel you man.


Perform wytchcraft on his ass


lol some kid in my hs stole my 10$pen, so I stole his 20$ pen while he wasnt looking, gf.


Good luck Finding it, I don't know if there's any hope now, Sucks that your Wallet was in there too.. I'm broke so i don't have to worry about money..


Unlucky man. When I'm on public transport I never let go of my shit.


Unlucky man. When I'm on public transport I never let go of my shit.

Yep, learned my lesson there.  (n)

Use your ass to carry around your belongings, that way you know.. everything is safe.

I lost my wallet at a fair once, but i got it back luckily. :)


Unlucky man. When I'm on public transport I never let go of my shit.

Yep, learned my lesson there.  (n)
I fell asleep on the train today, got off and forgot my college folder. Made me want to push old people onto the tracks.

I went of the train station's Facebook a few hours later and luckily they had found it.


I hate loosing shit, happens too often

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