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senten quest !!REWARD SPOILER!!


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after the quest you get access to an altar (the one on screen) that gives a pray boost when you use it and the option to change between prayer 'books'. much like ancieht - lunar ones but for prayers.

after the quest the castle you went to during the quest is filled with waterfiends, outside of it are iron and steel dragons.

lowest pray is 50 (protect item lol), most of them are either or both combat stat boosts, reducers from opponent and leechers.

sap xxxxx:(red arrows) drains 10% of opponent combat stat and goes up to 20% over time.

lvl56 sap spirit: drains enemy special attack energy (SPEC lol :p)

lvl59 berserker: boosted stats last 15% longer

deflect xxxxx: (blue arrows) like the old protect melee/mage/summon/range prayers BUT theres a chance of dealing some damage that you would recieve to whoever is hitting you.

leech xxxx: (green arrows) these spells are both a boost of your combat stats and a sap curse (so drains opponents stats)

lvl89 wrath: inflict damage to nearby targets when you die (stronger version of the regular prayer)

lvl92 soul split: 1/4 of the damage you do is also removed from opponent prayer (= smite) AND added to your hitpoints. owned much? :p

lvl95 turmoil: increase attack and defence by 15% + 15% from your opponent (so +30% if they have same lvls as you), also +23% of your str and +10% of opponent (for 99att str def vs 99att str def -> +30% att +33% str +30% def)

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Nice Shit Too Bad I'll Never No How They Work


max str bonus is 35%+ now as a 138


Noice, too bad I'll never have those, considering my only account is a pure ;)


Nice one Time to get slayer up on mian i suppose


Bitches about to get Vlooieneuker'd


Can some1 explain the lvl 95? But assuming it would give +30% str, would 45 def +95 prayer be worth getting?

Just made a quick calc, but it would make u hit 85 with ags spec in maxed str gear @ 45 def.


How much defence xp you think you get from everything?


How much defence xp you think you get from everything?

As far I know only 10k from defender of varrock.


Wow sounds pretty overpowered but I guess not too many people have 95 prayer so yeah...

Btw do you need any special def lvl to use the prays? like piety you know


Berserker pures that existed before this quiest are now at a major disadvantage, because they cannot access these prayers. as a result, i think many pures will get def from defender of varrock and becom 'serkers. a protect prayer /w added recoil will MASSIVLEY reduce rushing. veng+rec ring+new melee prot pray and you wont get rushed. 0.o. and about the eating glitch; that's a good thing.


that wrath thing looks odd lol


the prayer in last image looks like Atomic Bomb :DD


It's pro, the quest is simple, and the prayers are just epic.


i dont understand this leech shit :/


Looks pretty neat, might get on main sometime :O

try out the new 2 best prayers in combat :b


Still no high level range/defence pray that can benefit tanks aww, suppose soul link would do.


Too bad u dont pk.

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