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I am undecided!! Please help


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So i beed help

What should i do

Currently 60 attack, 99 strength, 1 def, 99 range, 94 magic, 94 hp, 52 prayer.

Should i do:

99 mage?

75 attack for ags?

99 attack to beast these defence prods? Because i want 99 hp

Or stay 60 attack and slowly get 99 hp through uneeded extra str xp??

Cant decide please help


If i had your account i would just get 99 mage stay 60 attack and slowly get 99hp


Stay 60 attack get 99 mage and then do pest control for 99 HP, ez


If you have the money I would burst till 99 mage (and 99 hp). For some reason I prefer 60 att over 75 so I would stay 60.


If you have the money go for ags bro. But that's my opinion.


60 attack maxed in 83 cmb its awesome do it :p


Just scared to lose another ags tbh. Fkn smiting zerkers


60 attack is sick with those stats but lets be real, AGS is just too good.


Another thought is, abyssal weapons are coming out?


aren't the abyssal weapons gonna be wose then whip though


Do you single pk? If so I'd stay 60 Attack and increase to 75 over time.

If you just clan pk, then I'd get 99 Attack and HP through that.



If you have the money go for ags bro. But that's my opinion.



I'd stay 60 attack and get 99 mage and HP over time if you really want it. I regretted getting 75 attack, the fights were fun but it took forever to find a decent fight, fighting voiders for power ammys gets old real fast


Burst to 99 mage for hp

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