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What are the EXACT QUESTS AND REQ FOR Mith Gloves?


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yeah so i saw the guide "how to make a pure" and it didnt really explain much about getting the gloves, if someone could tell me what QUESTS and SKILLS i need to get mith gloves, would be VERRY appreciated :]





41 Cooking

10 fishing

20 firemaking

30 crafting

25 thieving

30 ranged

5 fletch

10 mine


Cooks' Assistant

Fishing Contest

Goblin Diplomacy

Demon Slayer

Gertude's Cat

Shadow of the Storm

The Golem

Big Chompy Bird Hunt


2 Lemons, 1 Pineapple, 1 Orange, Ashes, Cocktail Shaker, Rotten Tomato, Greenman's Ale, 1 Eye of Newt,Egg, Bucket of Milk, Pot of Flour, Bowl of Water, 1,000GP, 4-5 Asgarnian Ales (obtained in Falador), Gloves, Charcoal, Loaf of bread, Bucket/Jug of water, Spice (can be obtained from Ardougne Spice Stall or Lumbridge Castle basement), Fishing Bait, Sliced Orange (use Knife on an Orange), Blue, Purple or Green Dye, Pestle and Mortar, Codfish (use Big Net), Loaf of Bread, Knife, Fishbowl (empty), Needle, 3 Rolls of Bronze Wire, Kitten, Cat OR Wiley cat & at least 10 Stews, Woodcutting Axe (any kind), Tinderbox, Log (any kind), Pickaxe, Iron Spit, Raw Chompy (may need more than one incase it burns), Ogre Bellows, Ogre Bow, Ogre Arrows (~40-50), Ball of Wool.


haha thanks alot :]


Get addies, it's FTW!


Don't be lazy and click on the freaking quest reqs >.>




l2use the internet. you don't have to ask us for everything you need, look it up


okay well ethan maybe ive never gotten the gloves before? you dont have to be a complete dick about it, you know.

And thanks to everyone who was nice about it and not a dick..

And i have decided to get addy gloves :]


okay well ethan maybe ive never gotten the gloves before? you dont have to be a complete dick about it, you know.

And thanks to everyone who was nice about it and not a dick..

And i have decided to get addy gloves :]

lol, I'm just saying that I'm pretty sure what everyone who told you the reqs did was looked em up on a helpsite, something that you could have done easily and used your time instead of theirs. but gl on addy gloves  ;)

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