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for range at nmz...


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so ive been going pretty hard at nmz to get 99 range asap (want to app soon but want 94 magic so im beneficial on pk trips) 

but anyways thats besides the point


in your guys experience, would it be better to go for prayer bonus or max range bonus? as in robin/tunic/ranger boots or mitre/god robe top/holy sandals? 


my stats atm


(01:12:00) -[NP]RuneScript- *** [ 7HOR ]: [RS07] Overall 968 | Att 60 | Def 1 | Str 85 | HP 87 | Range 94 | Pray 44 | Mage 83 | Cook 41 | WC 37 | Fletch 26 | Fish 20 | FM 50 | Craft 50 | Smith 21 | Mine 31 | Herb 45 | Agil 37 | Thief 53 | Slay 42 | Farm 9 | Con 50
(01:12:14) -[NP]RuneScript- *** [ 07TRACKER ]: Exp gains for 7hor in last 1wk: Overall(+19) +4,582,069 | Att(50->60) +172,848 | Str(85) +179,252 | HP(84->87) +1,011,559 | Range(90->94) +2,689,920 | Mage(81->83) +526,493 | Herb(45) +1,520 | Agil(37) +7 | Slay(42) +420 | Bounty-Rogue +2

thanks in advance guys


what darts do you guys use?


max range bonus and use absorbs

Posted (edited)

max range w absorbs 

Edited by Rolexx

what darts do you guys use?

blowpipe/addy darts


I tried max range + absorptions , it was 10k better xp but I fucking hate dealing with the setup / keeping it 1 hp, + its less afk and I'm doing other stuff while I nmz so I go for max pray (except fury,chaps and ava ofc)


I assume absorbs with max range 


Full god ropes mitre holy sandals fury Archer ring (i) avas black d hide vambs :)


I normally bring max pray bonus for nmz but for chinning I go for max range bonus


Prayer bonus is the more essential if I remember correctly




me in attack over the week ^__^

damn nice


Good luck bro this is how I got 99 range so ez!

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