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How to improve at PKing?


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Hey all. I'm an ambitious future FOE member. My problem at the moment is that I'm awful at PKing. Thus far, I've gotten three kills with fourteen deaths. I'm using a magic shortbow with rune arrows and a rune c'bow with d bolts (e) as my switch. Current stats are: 80 ranged, 82 magic, 60 attack, 70 strength, 71 HP, and 45 prayer. Are there any tips on how I can improve at PKing besides just keep trying and practicing over and over again? Thanks in advance!


try to exceed ur skills and u will adapt turn ur mouse speed up try more combos try fake switching n stuff like the same thing over n over is easy but yea get higher str just range pking is silly u need range/melee


msb>dds mate


Practice pratice, watch videos, etc


Better combos and learn when to eat, 

dont listen to people who call you safers. You safe if you wanna safe bruh


Try a darknow as a ko weapon if money isn't an issue (at least with those current stats). Whore

Dragon bolts, rune knives, use karambwams to heal from low hp (shark-->karam), and lastly practice makes perfect.


safe and telly after spec


safe and telly after spec


Better combos and learn when to eat, 

dont listen to people who call you safers. You safe if you wanna safe bruh


Your stats aren't ideal for MSB to RCB. Imo you got prayer/Mage up too quickly, personally I'd train until you're in the 70 cb bracket then give it another shot. Most people in your current CB bracket have tons of levels on you, and carry antifires. That's why you're not being too successful imo.


Train, learn combos, learn when to eat, learn to prayswitch


Just pk and u will get better quickly


you can read these tips people are giving you but the only way to get better is by going out there and dying a bunch of times until you get the hang of it


uhmm know max hits and know food ticks etc


Just going out there and practising

Its zeh noob

you can read these tips people are giving you but the only way to get better is by going out there and dying a bunch of times until you get the hang of it


learn to use ur f keys, if ur bh ppking put ur spec/1 tick weapon in the bottom of the enventory and use ur hot key so u can instant spec, also use a weapon (msb) that alredy has a spec bar on it so u can 1 tick gmaul or dds half a second faster. switching between hawk eye and superhuman strength makes a big difference in ur hits but also takes alot of skill, practice with ur hotkeys and dont get discouraged when u die gl m8


watch pk clips and get to understand how it pretty much works and what 2 do


then just pk and improve


safe and telly after spec

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