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Twitch Q and A - Pures, Dragon Spears Etc


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Todays Twitch Moderator Q and A


Today they discussed several topics varying from Cerberus and sailing. But the main thing that affects us is the discussion about Pures and the Dragon Spear.



Dragon Spear


They have basically said they will perhaps consider the possibility of bringing an Anti-Stun potion that works like an Anti-Poison. So this means dragon spearing may soon be obsolete.


They polled it during the chat and this is the result:






They mentioned about bringing out polls that directly affect the players they are targeting, so basically if its an update to prevent pures doing the quest or getting the item, such as the new updated boots. They will allow just the players affected on the poll to vote on it due to the bias towards the players who own these accounts.


Item Alch Value


The possibility of changing the alch value of an item to the GE price, so things like rings are protected over dragon scims etc.




They already changed the spear

You can pray change now whilst stunned


They already changed the spear

You can pray change now whilst stunned


all the twitch chat voting on the poll are the noobs that get speared i bet hahah


the pure voting thing could be good


and id vote no for the item alch value thing


Thanks for summing this up


Item Alch Value


The possibility of changing the alch value of an item to the GE price, so things like rings are protected over dragon scims etc.


LOL i'd love it

Danny The Great

Itt making Dragon Spear become dead content to suit the likes of Pvmers.


really hope they dont do that to the spears.. how else we gunna make bank;)?



Item Alch Value


The possibility of changing the alch value of an item to the GE price, so things like rings are protected over dragon scims etc.


LOL i'd love it



this wud be good. bring (i) protected with dds as spec wep on lilguy accounts or piety prods xd


Spear thing gay, item arch value should be obvious. If its worth a shit load it should protect over things that aren't worth a shit load. simple logic


Doesn't bother me tbh. If a singles team wants to spear me out for an ancient staff they can go for it


Thanks for summing this up

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